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Bom Sabado Worm in Orkut Fixed by Google

The 'Bom Sabado' worm which had hacked through millions of Orkut accounts is now removed by Google. Google released a statement in their blog which notified all users that the worm Bom Sabado has been dealt with & Orkut is safe for now.

"Hi all,
This is to inform you all that we've contained the "Bom Sabado" virus and have identified the bug that allowed this and have fixed it.

We're currently working on restoring the affected profiles.

Thanks a ton to each of you who's made an effort to alert everyone else about this. I'll make sure to keep you guys posted on more updates"

The worm Bom Sabado which has a very ironic translation into Portuguese meaning 'Good Saturday' had affected the social networking site Orkut on Saturday 25th September. The worm did nothing like post malicious links, rather it just left scraps from the infected account to every friend's scrapbook.

The scrap read simply 'Bom Sabado'. So the unwary users just viewed the scraps & then the worm affected their cache memory leaving them infected.

Google had asked the Orkut users to not login for a while and refresh their browser cookies & cache. It was also advisable to change the password and the security question as well.

Many users were however unfortunate enough to be online when the Bom Sabado worm attacked leaving their accounts hacked. Google has promised to look into this matter and try and fix the hacked profiles in Orkut.
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"Bom Sabado" Bug Creating Problems in Orkut Scrap

Every account was posting scrap some thing like bomb amungu or Bom Sabado.

And thos who all are reading this scrap even in their profile, their cookies are also stoled and so they are also posting scrap automatically to their friend list same scrap as bomb sumthng like :(

The script is runnign on and also in status of profile their falg is coming. i mean status are automatically updated in some profile. Its their flag of Brazil.  Already Google team are workign on it.

Currently what u should do is
Follow these steps:

1. Immediately change your password and security question{ including secondary email and mobile number if they also got changed.) This will solve the problem.

2. Find out whether some communities has been joined automatically. if yeah, do remove them.

3. If your account has been completely hacked, see here:

4. Always remember these points :

4.1 Donot ever login to any site rather than 

4.2 Donot ever run any javascripts while logged into your orkut account

4.3 Never use any flooder in your account

4.4 Donot ever share your password with anyone else and keep changing your password regularly.

4.5 Donot ever click suspicious link while logged into Orkut a/c. if you are curious you can copy the link and check them in 
      other browser after cleaning it's browser's cookie and cache.

4.6 Donot ever install any suspicious script on greasemoneky and ALWAYS DIABLE THE GM before logging in to orkut.

4.7 Do your mobile verification also, so that you can get back your a/c if hacker doesn't change the mobile number there.

4.8 Install a good Update Ant ivirus and Anti Key logger and keep your system free from Key loggers and backdoor trojans.

4.9 Use Virtual Keyboard to enter your password for more securite. KIS 2010 provides it and there are many other V.
      keyboards available.

     Take a look here and follow the points given to protect your a/c:
hope this helps you...;)

happy Orkutting..

Delete the suspected scrap from your scrap book
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